Artist Statement 2022

Exhibition at Archival Gallery, Sacramento - 2022. This show was 20 pieces of Anatomy and Medical inspired Hand Embroidery. 
My new pieces continue my work in embroidery using hand painted or printed fabric and various sewing and embroidery thread and techniques. I create photo realistic pieces that can take months to complete showing anatomy, diseases, physical rarities and random subject matter. Using photographs I paint with sewing thread creating one of a kind works of art.
I am self taught and have been showing in Sacramento and around the country for over 30 years. My new pieces are becoming more complex as I grow and learn. A few years ago, I had an artist in London tell me to follow my heart, create works that interest me, move me and it will fall into place. That one conversation and trip completely changed the direction of my art. I went to St. Barts Pathology Museum during that same trip and immediately knew I had to create works relating to that field. 
I have always been drawn to the darker side of our human existence. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks due to the unavoidable fact that we all have to die someday. It has been a lifelong battle and my work has always reflected that in some way. I fear death and am fascinated by it at the same time. I read about true crime, watch autopsy shows and follow crime scene cleaners on Instagram. I love looking at what happens to our bodies and the world around us due to disease, genetics, aging, and death. I follow surgeons, Pathology Museums, Natural History Museums, and death industry professionals. Since starting this body of work many wonderful opportunities have presented themselves. My work was found by Carla Valentine, the curator of St. Bart’s Pathology Museum in London, that I had visited and I was invited to teach a class on anatomical embroidery there in the summer of 2018. My work was also found by Anna Dhody of the Mütter Museum who generously shared some Mütter specimen photos with me. I have found my curiosity to be healing in many ways. I have met wonderful people who have told me their own stories and had me create works of art as mementos of trying times. I am so moved by all we are and all we go through. I have really found my joy in this endeavor.